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Catalyzing business with Africa.





100% Electricity  Access in Africa 



To increase access to clean, affordable, and sustainable energy in Africa to accelerate economic development, create jobs and recast the standard of living of the continent’s citizens.


The North American Development Group grew out of the Energy Africa Conference    We focus on reducing the electricity supply gap in African countries where electricity demand outstrips supply by deploying power generation and distribution projects. Honesty, ethics, diversity, inclusion, equity, and concern for the environment and the communities we serve are the guard rails of our business model.  


Leverage our massive worldwide ecosystem of investors, project developers/sponsors, and partners in target markets to identify, develop, finance, own, and operate green energy projects to deliver reliable, affordable, and sustainable energy.

Cultivate partners on the ground in Africa to identify and screen renewable energy projects to mitigate risk and actualize the projects.

Work with our partners throughout the project stages, from development to implementation, to reduce the risk of disagreements due to cultural differences, barriers, and interference and protect the parties’ long-term interests.

Wean industrial and commercial consumers off high-cost diesel-generated energy to reduce their operating costs and environmental footprint and provide a constant energy supply for firms facing irregular power supply.

Develop power generation capacity to feed to the grid where needed.

  • Bring project development, construction, financing, and operational expertise to projects.


  • Project Sourcing & Financing
  • Project Development  & Sponsoring
  • Project Ownership, Construction, Commissioning, and Operating
  • Public Private Partnerships
  • Human Capacity Building
  • Market Analysis
  • Introduction to Key Decision Makers
  • Country Studies
  • Economic Evaluation
  • National Grids
  • Microgrids
  • Mini-grids
  • Intercountry Connectors
  • Rural Electrification
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Energy Storage
  • Hybrid Systems
  • Mining
  • Infrastructure Development​


Our exceptional and personalized service differentiates us from our competitors. We know the risks and costs associated with identifying, developing, commissioning, and operating projects in Africa and how frustrating that is. Firms spend vast amounts of money trying to do business with Africa. Often, investors operating in Africa face risks ranging from local interference to permitting and, even worse, finding out that the project is non-existent.

If you are an investor, we save you money, time, and headaches by working with you in finding suitable projects because we understand the African business landscape. Our partners on the ground with expertise in the field personally visit these sites to ensure the projects exist and are bankable. Even when it comes to negotiations, our partners will set up the appointments and accompany you to the negotiation table to avoid any misinformation, misunderstandings, or run-around. Though the NADG is an American company, most management members have lived, done business, and retain close ties with Africa and prominent decision-makers, business leaders, community, and tribal leaders. The management has in-depth knowledge of laws, regulations, and culture. Working with us affords you the following benefits:

  • Protect your interest. We will be your dependable and trusted partner as we work with you throughout the project life without passing you on to some strange firm you have never heard of because we recognize that your success is our success.

  • If you are an investor, we are your gateway to expanding operations or finding partners in Africa. Whether you are looking for partners, new business, growing your current business in Africa, or simply feeling out of the continent for potential business, we will work to help you accomplish your objective(s).

  • As a project developer, sponsor, or operating entity wishing to expand your operations to or in Africa, we will create the right team to navigate you to your goal.

  • As an investor, you are in good hands. In collaboration with our partners on the ground, we will take care of the business logistics and associated services, such as making appointments with the decision makers and, with your permission, being at the table during negotiations to ensure good faith negotiations on both sides.

  • We introduce you to the right officials.

  • We know the business terrain, the culture, and the regulations. Many projects fail because of cultural differences and a lack of knowledge of the local business culture and regulations, and we are there to bridge this gap.

  • If you are a project developer in Africa, we will work with you to find the right professionals.




Professor Luka Powanga is a distinguished professor and seasoned economist globally recognized as a creative problem solver, a visionary, and a thought leader. He is the founder and the Executive Director of the Energy Africa Conference

(, an organization that actualizes projects in Africa utilizing its ecosystem of investors across the globe. He founded the North American Development Group L.L.C. (, an offshoot of the Energy Africa Conference, focused on actualizing Energy and Mining projects in Africa by leveraging the ecosystem of investors and project developers that the Energy Africa Conference created. Professor Powanga is the founding member of the Denver Chapter of the Angel Capital Group  (, which funds start-ups and growth companies. He worked as the U.S. correspondent for CargoNews Asia.

He has judged start-ups and growth companies in Dubai and the U.S.A. In addition, he participated in the film Hot Money ( Dr. Powanga sits on various boards such as the Gulf United Industrial Consortia advisory board (, a consortium of companies based in Saudi Arabia, the AL-Khalifa Business School based in London, and Switzerland (,   the water operation advisory board ( He also serves on the Denver Metro of Commerce Board of Governors. He chaired the African Chamber of Commerce in Colorado, U.S.

He is a Professor of Economics and Finance at Regis University in the Anderson College of Business and Computing He has deployed classroom and online programs and joint programs with other universities within and outside the United States. He has received many academic and humanitarian awards. He has developed and taught international logistics, economics, finance, international business, strategy formulation, and implementation, entrepreneurship, capstone, and commercialization, including incubating student businesses.

He was part of a small team that pioneered the Online M.B.A. Program, which grew from zero to over 4,000 students worldwide. He implemented the Physicians M.B.A. program, M.B.A. in Emerging Economies with the University of ITESO in Mexico,  a Masters in International Studies, a collaborative program between Regis University and the University of Ulster in Ireland,  and the M.B.A. degree in the Business of Government. He was the founding board member of the Sullivan Center of Entrepreneurship at Regis University and has chaired, keynoted, and organized numerous academic and business conferences. He is a highly sought-after speaker at local and international forums. He was on the committee that evaluated all the programs at Regis University to ascertain their viability.

He is a well-published and regular contributor to the Renewables Global Status Report and the Renewables in Cities Global Status Reports ( He earned the Trailblazer award for increasing energy access to communities in underserved areas across Africa.

Dr. Powanga worked for Zambia Consolidated Copper Mines as a metallurgist.

Dr. Powanga earned his Ph.D. and Master's Degrees in Mineral Economics with a minor in Finance from Colorado School of Mines (U.S.A.), a Master of Science in Computer Information Technologies, a graduate-level certificate in Object-Oriented Programming from Regis University(U.S.A.), and a Bachelors in Metallurgy and Mineral Processing from the University of Zambia.




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